Flís is a true “gæðingur” who received 1. prize already as a 4 year old as a 4-gaiter. She was shown at Landsmót 2018 in the class of 5 year old mares but received her highest evaluation in the spring.
Among Flís’ marks is 9 for tölt, spirit, general impression, canter, head and neck. She is co-owned with Aðalheiður Anna Guðjónsdóttir.
Chestnut pinto with a blaze
F. Álfur frá Selfossi
M. Ópera frá Nýjabæ
BLUP : 126
Head : 9
Neck, withers and shoulders : 9
Back and croup : 8.5
Proportions : 8.5
Legs : 8
Joints : 7.5
Hooves : 8
Mane and tail : 7.5
Conformation : 8.40
Total : 8.26
Tölt : 9
Trot : 8.5
Pace : 5
Gallop : 8.5
Spirit : 9
General impression : 9
Walk : 8
Rideability : 8.17
Slow tölt : 8.5
Canter : 9